Online History MSc student receives the 2017 Daniella Sciama Award

The School is delighted to congratulate Scott Davis on receiving this year’s Daniella Sciama Award for Achievement through Adversity. (Published 21 June 2017)

Scott Davis

Scott Davis lives in Texas, USA and has been studying part-time for his Masters in History via our online distance learning degree since 2015. Despite a number of challenges including three separate diagnosis’ of cancer during his tenure with the university alone, Mr Davis remains committed to his studies and actively engages with the programme through his role as Student Representative.

The Daniella Sciama Award celebrates significant achievements accomplished in the face of challenge and adversity. It was established in honour of International Business and Economics student Daniella Sciama. Daniella lived with a range of chronic conditions throughout her childhood and died in December 2013, at the age of 18, following a sudden asthma attack.

Online History MSc Programme Director, Dr David Kaufman, who nominated Mr Davis, stated: ‘Scott truly deserves this recognition for the high standard of work he has maintained throughout what has undoubtedly been a difficult time. He is a much valued student and I look forward to seeing him progress further with his studies.’

Mr Davis will receive £1,000, as well as an engraved award provided by Daniella’s family.

Daniella Sciama Award for Achievement through Adversity

Online MSc History