The Centre hosts a seminar series which takes place throughout the academic year and is open to staff, students and the general public Semester 2 2024/25 Please check below for times, dates and venues. Please note that speakers without affiliations indicated are the University of Edinburgh.DateSpeakerTopicTime and VenueTue 4 FebPhilipp Höhn (Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg)Maritime Violence, Marginalisation and the Formation of Markets in Late Medieval England5:15pm, Sydney Smith Lecture Room, Old Medical School, Doorway 1Tue 25 FebBenni CampoleoniGender and Movement in a Franco-Italian Epic: A Space of Innovation5:15pm, Meadows Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School Doorway 4Tue 11 MarFrancesca Petrizzo (University of Glasgow)‘A Delight in Retribution’: The Ethics of Translating a Medieval Crusader Latin Chronicle5:15pm, Meadows Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School Doorway 4Tue 18 MarMinoru Ozawa (Rikkyo University, Japan)Outside Cnut's imperium?: Scotland and Sweden in the Early Eleventh Century5:15pm, Meadows Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School Doorway 4Tue 25 MarJane Bonsall (University of St Andrews)'The Seven Sages of Rome': Gender, Adaptation, and Digital Humanities5:15pm, Sydney Smith Lecture Room, Old Medical School Doorway 1Tue 1 AprVictoria Turner (University of St Andrews)Amateur Theatre and Medievalism: Translating Aucassin et Nicolette in the Twentieth Century5:15pm, Sydney Smith Lecture Room, Old Medical School Doorway 1Wed 23 AprKrisztina Ilko (University of Cambridge)Beyond the Lewis Chessmen: Chess and Race in the Global Middle Ages (co-badged with the Scottish History Seminar and Edinburgh Centre for Global History)5:15pm, Meadows Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School Doorway 4Thu 24 - Fri 25 AprCentre for Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine StudiesSixth International Graduate Conference in Late Antique, Islamic and ByzantineStudies: Shifting Fortunesin Late Antiquity and the Middle AgesTBC Semester 1 2024/25 DateSpeakerTopicTime and VenueTue 24 SepCMRS Welcome EventAn informal reception for anyone interested in the activities of the CMRS5pm, Centre for Research Collections, Floor 6 of the Main Library, George SquareTue 8 OctSteven Isaac (Longwood University)Why Medieval Mercenaries Matter5:15pm, Room G.16, Old Medical School Doorway 4Tue 5 NovSamuel Cohn (University of Glasgow)Art and Inequality in the Shadow of the Black Death: Comparative Dimensions5:15pm, Sydney Smith Lecture Room, Old Medical School Doorway 1Wed 6 NovTess Wingard (Trinity College Dublin)Were the ‘Bawdy Courts’ Really that Bawdy? Writing Histories of Gender and Sexuality through the Records of the Late Medieval Ecclesiastical Courts (co-badged with Histories of Gender and Sexuality Seminar)4:10pm, Room G.16, Old Medical School Doorway 4Tue 12 NovBen Tilghman (Washington College)The Stakes of Stillness in Medieval Art5:15pm, Project Room (1.06), 50 George SquareThu 14 NovJudith Jesch (University of Nottingham)The Saga of the Earls of Orkney and Family Traditions in the Viking Diaspora (co-badged with the Scottish History Seminar)5:15pm, Room G.16, Old Medical School Doorway 4Mon 18 NovMike Carr, Gianluca Raccagni, Kirsty Day, Nikolaos Chrissis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Jochen Schenk (University of Glasgow)Roundtable discussion and book launch of Crusading against Christians in the Middle Ages (co-organised with the History Department Seminar)4:15pm, Seminar Room 1, Chrystal MacMillan BuildingTue 26 NovTaylor AucoinThe Oldest Firm: Institutionalized Football in Medieval Scotland (co-badged with the Scottish History Seminar)5:15pm, Teviot Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School Doorway 5 Further information Please contact the convenors if you have any questions. Dr Mike Carr's staff profile Dr Fionnuala Sinclair's staff profile This article was published on 2024-08-01