Finbar - MSc (Taught) in Intellectual History

Finbar, MSc (Taught) in Intellectual History, found focus with flexibility in his chosen postgraduate degree.

Photo of Finbar McLoughlin

Why did you choose the University of Edinburgh?

I chose the University of Edinburgh because it is consistently ranked as one of the top universities in the world, particularly for History. Also, I spent a weekend in Edinburgh visiting a friend and was struck by how nice the city was. There is so much to do and it is just a short way from some beautiful countryside. It seemed like a great place to spend a year studying!

What attracted you to this programme in particular?

Having studied History for my undergraduate degree, I found that I had most enjoyed courses about political thought and philosophical ideas. It was by chance that I stumbled across the Intellectual History MSc at Edinburgh and this seemed perfectly aligned with my interests, giving me the chance to specialise in the aspects of history that had most interested me. It is also a very flexible course: you can take modules from other schools as long as they fall within the broad parameters of Intellectual History.

What are you enjoying most about your time here?

Edinburgh is a really lovely city to live in. As a historian, it is nice to be able to live in a city that is steeped in so much history and walk past historic buildings every day. There are lots of opportunities to get involved with outside of study, I have been to several research seminars and play football at the weekends with some other postgraduate students. I think the most enjoyable aspect of my masters degree so far has been the study though! It has been challenging and has allowed me to focus on my areas of interest in much more detail than at undergraduate level.

What are your plans for the future?

After I graduate I will be looking to find myself a graduate job for next year in the third sector. I am considering applying for a PhD program for the following year. My postgraduate degree will be an asset here, as it has developed my research and written skills, which are desirable across a wide range of industries and essential for those interested in applying to do a PhD.

If you could offer any advice to new or current students what would it be?

My advice would always be to get involved in student life as much as possible. Take advantage of the seminars, clubs and experiences on offer - you will meet so many interesting people and end up doing things you may not have expected when you started your course!