Nikki - MSc (Taught) in Archaeology

New friends and inspiring staff helped Nikki, MSc in Archaeology student, get the most out of her time in Edinburgh.


Why did you choose the University of Edinburgh?

Nikki Lacance

I had originally been looking at attending a university in Ireland that my alma mater suggested. I had sent emails inquiring about their archaeology program, but I never heard back from them. I decided I would look at other universities, and the University of Edinburgh was one of the first names that came up in my initial search. When I looked into the program further and spoke through email with staff, I knew this was the place I was supposed to be going.

What attracted you to this programme in particular?

I had completed an undergraduate degree majoring in Anthropology at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia and had focused my studies on archaeology. Working towards a masters in archaeology to me was the next step and I wanted to really explore the field of archaeology further.

What did you enjoy most about your time here?

Apart from being able to live in the heart of this amazing city and being immersed in the culture, what made my time here memorable and enjoyable was the people that I have met. I have made some really amazing friends from all over the world, and I have had the pleasure to learn from some extremely knowledgeable people. The staff are amazing and helped me explore new avenues of archaeology that I hadn't given much thought to previously.

What are your plans for the future?

I am currently working on my Masters dissertation, focusing on buildings archaeology and heritage management and addressing how cities go about protecting their historic properties. My plans are to be able to use this research as a way to enter the field of heritage management in Halifax and attempt to update current legislation and processes of building rehabilitation in order to not only preserve the history that is important to the city of Halifax, but to give it new life and a purpose in today’s world.

If you could offer any advice to new or current students what would it be?

Packing up and moving to a new city for school can be challenging and it can be kind of scary too. Living in a different environment and getting used to a new way of doing things is intimidating, but if furthering your education is something you really want to do, just go for it. You'll be glad you did.

Apart from being able to live in the heart of this amazing city and being immersed in the culture, what made my time here memorable and enjoyable was the people that I have met.

Graduating 2016