Easter closure and support

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology will be closed over the Easter weekend but student support is still available.

The School will be closed for the Easter weekend - Friday 2 and Monday 5 April - but student support is still available. 

Support over Easter

Over the Easter weekend, all the University online and self-help wellbeing resources will be available and if you need to speak to someone urgently, you can call Security and also access our 24/7 listening service by calling 0131 650 2257.

Out of hours student support

For students staying in University-managed accommodation, ResLife teams will continue to support you throughout the break, including over the Easter weekend.


The Student Counselling and Disability Services will reopen on Tuesday 6th April.

If you’re staying in Edinburgh

Students who remain in Edinburgh can continue to access a range of support and get involved with activities.

You can sign up to meet up with a student or staff member as part of the University and Students’ Association activities to connect with others who are staying in the city:

PairED Up scheme

Match-Up Catch-Up activities