
Hanna loves sitting in cafés, walking around the city and looking at the stunning architecture, making music, and talking to friends about differences in cultures and languages.

HCA Hanna Koban

What attracted you to the University of Edinburgh and this programme, in particular?

A strong component was the city; I love that there are many opportunities to go to concerts, theatres, museums etc. and there are nice cafés everywhere. Furthermore, the city is very walkable and seemed the perfect combination of student city and capital. As for my programme, the variety of courses I am able to choose from and the chance to study both Latin and Ancient Greek as a beginner really appealed to me.

What one thing would you recommend new students at the University of Edinburgh do?

To not be afraid to get in touch with lecturers and tutors. They are super approachable and always happy to help.

What aspects of student life do you enjoy the most and why?

Late-night essay writing with my course-friends. Since the main library is open 24/7, I can just stay as long as I want and it is particularly fun if I make a whole evening out of it with my friends, including dinner, short breaks and proof-reading each other’s work.

What's your best advice for overseas students?

Try to make British friends (although it's also nice to have friends who have had the same experiences as you growing up)! They can introduce you to the culture and it's just fun to learn what's important to the nation you're living in now: the food, the slang, the TV shows, etc.

What do you find most challenging and most rewarding about your programme?

The Latin and Greek beginner courses are intense and the transition into second year, where you study with more advanced students, is very challenging. However, I also find these courses the most rewarding. It is amazing how far these courses get you in such a short time and while it is challenging and you have to work really hard, it ultimately just makes you appreciate the languages and the courses more.

What are your tips for student life in Edinburgh?

Make use of all the student deals that the concert halls and theatres have! Being able to go to a concert in Usher Hall for 6 Pounds is a privilege that we won’t have after our studies.