Edinburgh University Students' Association

The Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA) is housed in the oldest purpose-built student building in the UK.

As a student organisation, EUSA is reponsible for a huge range of activities, societies, events, awards, volunteering projects and student initiatives. EUSA recruits student representatives, runs the Student Council, and provides Peer Learning & Support for all students in the University.

Student Activities & Societies

Over 280 societies operate within the University of Edinburgh, giving students the opportunity to play music, games and sports, study academic subjects outside of the classroom environment, develop academic, entrepreneurial and social skills, and meet a wide variety of people.

EUSA also runs a number of volunteering schemes and a Social Enterprise service, which promotes student-led business initiatives.

Activities - Edinburgh University Students' Association

Student Representation

As the School’s Undergraduate Representative, I am keen to work towards building a community in our school, as well as working with staff and students to support academic and accessibility initiatives. I regularly meet with students to discuss feedback and concerns for the School and work towards cultivating a positive atmosphere. I love our school and I am so grateful for this opportunity to get to know my peers and University staff!

Scarlett Kiaras-Attari
Undergraduate Representative for the School of History, Classics & Archaeology (2021-22)

Representation - Edinburgh University Students' Association