Rossana - MSc (Taught) in Classics

The international reputation of Edinburgh University attracted Rossana to an MSc in Classics.


Why did you choose the University of Edinburgh?

Rosanna Zetti MSc Classics

Apart from the well-known renown of the University and its long tradition, what made me chose to study at the University of Edinburgh was its international appeal; the presence of students and teachers from all over the world and the openness to different cultures. I wanted to test myself in a new, stimulating and vibrant environment – which was the impression I got from the University and has been confirmed by my experiences on campus.   Beyond this I was attracted by the city of Edinburgh itself, a lively and inspiring place to live in: one year on, there is still a lot to explore and discover about this amazing city (and Scotland itself).

What attracted you to this programme in particular?

The reputation of the School of History, Classics and Archaeology led me to choose this MSc, I was attracted to the Classics programme for the opportunity to deepen my knowledge, to experience a different way of teaching and to refine a more specific area of interest. 

The weekly seminars allowed me to meet eminent professors, to share my own thoughts, and they further enhanced the feeling of being part of an intellectually stimulating community.

What did you enjoy most about your time here?

I enjoyed the enthusiasm of my professors and their kindness: they were always ready to help and answer questions.

I was delighted by Fresher’s week and I enjoyed being part of different Societies: besides the Classics society, I joined sport clubs such as the Yoga society, the Scottish and country dancing society and the Running club which allowed me to meet people outside my own programme of study. 

I also enjoyed working at the Open Day of the University and volunteering at the Classics conference.  


I was delighted by Fresher’s week and I enjoyed being part of different Societies: besides the Classics society, I joined sport clubs such as the Yoga society, the Scottish and country dancing society and the Running club which allowed me to meet people outside my own programme of study.

Graduated 2016