Charles Mackie Student Initiative Fund 2020/21

HCA School funds available to support student initiatives.

The School has a small amount of money set aside each semester to support internal undergraduate student initiatives which contribute to the student experience at HCA. We are especially interested in activities that will stimulate community building.

To be eligible for this fund you must be affiliated to an HCA society who are supportive of the activity you are seeking funding for. Applications will be assessed by a panel consisting of student support staff and relevant academics.

All events and funding must be completed by 31st July 2021.

Semester 2 or up to July 2021 activities

Applications must be submitted by 26th February 2021.

The outcome will be advised by 11th March 2021.


  • To be eligible for this fund you must be affiliated to an HCA society who are supportive of the activity you are seeking funding for.
  • We allow applicants to either apply for funding for one-off projects to a maximum of £200, or a maximum £500 for longer-term projects.
  • For longer-term projects, we would expect to see evidence of a plan to match fund from elsewhere.
  • If those longer-term projects come back for second round of funding from the student initiatives fund the following year, they will have to demonstrate that they raised some match funding in the previous year which contributed to the previous year’s project – i.e. demonstrate track record of raising additional funds.
  • The budget for the Student Initiative Fund will be reviewed year on year depending on availability of School funds, and that the total pot to disperse each year may vary.

Society contact details

Please email your completed form – or any queries about this fund – to Julie Nicoll, Student Support Officer,, Tel. +44(0)131 651 1800.

HCA Charles Mackie Fund form (85.83 KB / DOCX)