Offer Holder Day for September 2019 entry

If you are joining us in September 2019 and couldn't make the most recent Offer Holder Day you can download leaflets that were available on the day and view presentations by the Head of each of the Subject Areas here.


Watch this video to see the talk given by our Head of History at this year’s Offer Holder Days. We recommend that you view the video full screen to read the slides comfortably.


History offer holder day leaflet 

Being a History student - offer holder day leaflet



Watch this video to see the talk given by our Head of Clasiscs at this year’s Offer Holder Days. We recommend that you view the video full screen to read the slides comfortably.




Classics offer holder day leaflet Sept 2019 entry


Watch this video to see the talk given by our Head of Archaeology at this year’s Offer Holder Days. We recommend that you view the video full screen to read the slides comfortably.



Archaeology offer holder day leaflet Sept 2019 entry

Being an Archaeology student - Offer Holder Day