
Originally from Athens, Georgia loves to read, drink coffee, and bake bread. You'll find her spending all her time (and money) in Edinburgh coffee shops and second hand bookstores. Georgia is currently in her fourth year of studying History.

HCA Georgia

What attracted you to the University of Edinburgh and this programme, in particular?

I wanted to be part of a city, and not just a campus! Edinburgh seemed ideal for that. I also really liked the flexibility the History programme in Edinburgh provided. I knew I wanted to take outside courses in social policy and politics, as well as really take my time to settle in. The four-year structure of the degree in Edinburgh drew me in.

What do you wish you'd worried about less about coming to university?

I was really scared about fresher’s week, and I wish I hadn’t been. It seemed so overwhelming, and I am not much of a night-out person, so I dreaded it. I ended up going to a lot of wholesome events run by wonderful student societies and making my closest friends at screenings of movies. (Thanks FilmSoc!)

Instead, I should have thought more about what to pack! I brought a big container of sunscreen and did not pack any rain boots when I first moved to Scotland, which in retrospect was not a good move!

What's your best advice for overseas students?

Make time to talk to your family and friends back home! Moving to Edinburgh and getting so absorbed in the student life is wonderful and feels so all-encompassing, but staying in touch with your people at home will make homesickness feel less heavy.

How is your programme equipping you for your future career?

I want to continue studying history for as long as I can reasonably get away with! The history programme here has given me so much in terms of content, but also in terms of learning how to write better, how to speak up, and argue effectively but with compassion and care.