Step 3 - Gather your documents

Before you start, make sure you have all your paperwork.

To be given an unconditional offer, you will need to scan and upload a number of documents within your online application, and may need to provide original copies upon commencing your studies. If any of these documents are pending, you may still apply and we can consider making a conditional offer until are you able to upload these.

Required Documents


 A transcript(s) with all of your Undergraduate and Postgraduate results achieved to date.


Copies of your degree/diploma certificate(s), if you have already completed your qualification(s). If you are currently completing a programme, submit an interim transcript or certificate of matriculation instead.


The number of academic references, required for the application to your chosen programme. One academic reference is required for taught MSc programmes, while two are necessary for research MSc and PhD programmes.


Evidence that you satisfy our requirements for competence in written and spoken English, if you do not come from a majority English speaking country as defiined by UKVI.


Certified translations, if your original documents are not in English.


If you are applying for an MScR or PhD, you must also submit a research proposal. We recommend that you discuss your ideas for the proposal in advance with a member of academic staff who specialises in your chosen topic. Your proposal should demonstrate that your chosen research topic is a viable one, and that you are well prepared to undertake it. We do not impose a set word limit on the research proposal (Suggested length of Research Proposal is c.1000 - 2000 words). You can find guidance on writing a research proposal here:

How to Write a Good Postgraduate Research Proposal

7. Taught degrees within the School of History, Classics and Archaeology do not generally require a writing sample, but we reserve the right to request these to assist us in making a decision in some cases.