Ellie - MSc (Research) in History

Ellie is a MSc by Research student focusing on perceptions of witchcraft and the supernatural. She can often be found wandering around historical sites, museums, and galleries...she is a historian after all!

What attracted you to the University of Edinburgh and this programme, in particular?

The main thing that attracted me to Edinburgh is the city itself. It is an amazing place to study, let alone to study history! I wanted the opportunity to focus upon one area of history that I was passionate about, so the master’s by research suited me best.

Student Ellie standing near castle

What do you wish you'd worried about less about coming to university?

I wish I had worried less about reaching out for help from staff. They are not as scary as you think and are always willing to help you! You have experts at your fingertips so, why not use them?

What would you recommend new students at the University of Edinburgh do?

I would recommend for new students to go on an open bus or walking city tour! It helps you to really get to know the place where you are living and you can jump off at sites you may not otherwise have visited.

Make use of all of the research facilities that there are in Edinburgh. Get a reader’s card for the National Records and the National Library. Make sure to visit the University’s Centre for Research Collections (CRC) on the 6th floor of the library to get to grips with some primary source material.

What do you most like about studying here?

The many research seminars and communities which are put on by HCA. They are many academic opportunities which are made readily available to you. Also, being able to study in a city which relates directly to my research.

What do you find most challenging and most rewarding about your programme?

I find the independent led structure of study the most challenging part of my programme. However, I also find that it is the thing which is the most rewarding. All of my research is conducted and led by my own ideas and direction. I like being able to fully focus on what I’m passionate about.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of studying at the University of Edinburgh?

My advice to anyone considering studying at the University of Edinburgh would be to do it without hesitation. I have had 5 happy years here, have made lifelong friends and have been given unrivalled opportunities. I would particularly encourage any student wishing to study Scottish History to study here at Edinburgh; you have fantastic University facilities and National Museums, Libraries and Archives at your fingertips.