Machnamh 100

Professor Alvin Jackson recently took part in a landmark series of seminars marking the 100th anniversary of Ireland’s independence.

HCA The Pesident of Ireland with Professor Alvin Jackson as part of Machanmh 100

At the invitation of the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, Professor Alvin Jackson - Richard Lodge Professor of History - took part in ‘Machnamh 100’, a series of seminars hosted and participated in by President Higgins.  

‘President Higgins has been concerned to promote more reflective and inclusive forms of commemoration, and to promote open debate about some complex and challenging themes in modern Irish history,’ explained Professor Jackson. ‘It was an honour, representing the history community at Edinburgh, to contribute to his initiative.’ 

Professor Jackson’s seminar “Empire: Instincts, Interests, Power and Resistance”, was broadcast on RTE, the Irish state broadcaster, and a recording is available at the link below.

Watch Professor Jackson's seminar


President Higgins visited the University of Edinburgh in 2016, when he received an honorary degree from the University. 


Professor Alvin Jackson’s staff profile

More on ‘Machnamh 100’