How to apply

How to apply for tutoring and demonstrating work in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

Tutoring and demonstrating work will be offered to existing Teaching Support staff in the first instance, ensuring that contracted Guaranteed Hours staff receive an offer of work that covers the minimum number of contracted hours.  Where there are still remaining tutoring or demonstrating positions to fill, new applicants will be considered.

Full-time postgraduate research students must work no more than an average of 9 hours per week across the academic year and must discuss any proposed employment with their principal supervisor.

The application process differs for Current and New or out of contract tutors and demonstrators.

If you have any questions not covered here please email and we will be happy to help.

Current Tutors and Demonstrators

Applications have now closed for 2024/2025, please email if you have any questions.

Current tutors and demonstrators are classified as those with a contract with HCA with an end date of 31/08/2024 or later.

You will need to complete the Availability Form only, details below.

If your contract extends past 31/08/2024 but you are not available to, or do not wish to, continue teaching next academic year, please email and we will be able to advise you on the resignation process.

The New and out of contract tutors and demonstrators process below should be used by:

  • New applicants for tutor and demonstrator roles
  • Tutors and demonstrators with a contract with HCA with an end date that has passed, before 31/08/2024.

  Guaranteed Hours Timeline - Current tutors and demonstrators​​

New and out of contract Tutors and Demonstrators

  • New applicants for tutor and demonstrator roles
  • Tutors and demonstrators with contract with HCA with an end date that has passed, before 31/08/2024.

You will need to complete both the Application Form and the Availability Form, details below.

 Guaranteed Hours Timeline – New and out of contract tutors and demonstrators​​​​​​


Below is a step-by-step breakdown of the recruitment process, following the Timelines above. 

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