Incident on campus: School of History, Classics and Archaeology statement

A statement from the School of History, Classics and Archaeology in response to an incident on Friday 11 December.


On Friday 11 December 2020, a student of the School was the victim of an attack outside the Main Library, an act which the School utterly condemns. With the University, it will not tolerate violence, racism or any other form of discrimination and the safety of our students and staff is paramount.

A range of support and help has been offered to the student and their Personal Tutor is in close contact as well. This is, of course, an upsetting time for our whole School community and we would urge students to contact their Personal Tutors or any of the University services if they are affected by what has happened.

We want to reassure everyone in HCA, students and staff, that the School with the University will do everything in its power to keep people safe on campus.

The University is working closely with Police Scotland to support their investigations into the incident, and with the student community to address their concerns.


Professor Ewen Cameron, Head of School

Dr Talat Ahmed, Equality & Diversity Director

Dr Esther Mijers, Undergraduate Director

Dr Wendy Ugolini, Postgraduate Director

Dr Sandra Bingham, Senior Tutor


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