Karen - MSc (Taught) in Mediterranean Archaeology

The wide range of courses within the MSc in Mediterranean Archaeology degree brought Karen to Edinburgh.


Why did you choose the University of Edinburgh?

Karyn Mulryan

It is world renowned University with world-renowned staff in Mediterranean Archaeology. I love the city of Edinburgh and Scotland in general. 

What attracted you to this programme in particular?

I chose the University for its excellent degree and wide range of courses within the degree. These kinds of courses are not available in Ireland but are in the UK, Edinburgh was the only place I wanted to do a PG course.  

What did you enjoy most about your time here?

When I am not studying I like to explore Edinburgh, finding quirky shops down windy streets selling Scottish-made unique crafts and jewellery. I enjoy climbing Arthur's Seat, eating out in the many restaurants and relaxing in the Grasmarket. A visit to the Highlands is high up on my to-do list!

What are your plans for the future? 

I hope to finish off with a dig in the Mediterranean, then return to Edinburgh to start looking for an archaeology job. I aim to gain field work experience here in Scotland and in the Mediterranean until I ultimately start a PhD. I intend to stay in this city permanently!

If you could offer any advice to new or current students what would it be?

Start research and assignments early! Don’t leave it to the last minute. Have a good work/life balance; Edinburgh and Scotland is a great place for outdoor pursuits as well as having a good social culture so maximise your time in the city especially if you are a foreign student and may have to leave.


Edinburgh was the only place I wanted to do a PG course. 

Graduating 2016