Paracuellos: the most polemical atrocity of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

Research undertaken by Dr Julius Ruiz on Paracuellos, the most polemical atrocity of the Spanish Civil War, has challenged traditional interpretations with his arguments entering national consciousness in Spain as a result of extensive media coverage.

Dr Julius Ruiz is a leading expert on Republican terror during the Spanish Civil War. His most recent publication, Paracuellos. Una verdad incómoda (2015) focuses on Paracuellos, the most polemical atrocity of the Spanish Civil War and challenges the traditional interpretation that the massacre of 2,400 prisoners in Madrid during the autumn of 1936 was ordered by Soviet agents without the knowledge of the Republican government. Through the publication of this best-selling book and high profile media interviews, articles and features, Ruiz’s arguments have entered national consciousness in Spain, shifting the terms of public debate and adding a valuable historical and critical perspective. His findings, which stress both the complicity of Santiago Carrillo (the future leader of the Communist Party), and Republican ministers in the massacres, have been publicly praised for their objectivity.

Dr Ruiz’s book was featured heavily in El Mundo, Spain’s second largest daily newspaper and publication of the book was accompanied by an extensive series of television, radio and press interviews and features. Reference to Ruiz’s work is also being regularly incorporated into contemporary news stories linked to the civil war, including obituaries of politicians and discussions on street-naming. The significance of Ruiz’s study has also been appreciated outside Spain, and an English version will be published by Sussex Academic Press in July 2016.

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