International students

You can enjoy an active and fulfilling social life as an international student at the University of Edinburgh.

The University of Edinburgh has one of the most diverse international populations of any Scottish university, with students from more than 140 different nations. A large number of our students are transnational - they have studied in international schools, lived in a variety of countries or have parents with different nationalities.

The University recognises that being an international student comes with its own particular set of challenges and demands. We offer a range of support services designed to guide international students through every aspect of their life here. 




Listen to some of our international students talk about their experience coming to Edinburgh to study in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology. The students featured are also Robertson International Scholars.

EUSA Global

The majority of our international support services are run through the Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA). EUSA Global runs language courses, hosts events for international students and provides a network of support and guidance for students joining us from around the globe.

EUSA Global

Studying abroad

All our students, regardless of nationality, have the opportunity to study abroad as part of their degree programme. 

Study abroad

Studying as a Visiting or Exchange Student

We also welcome Visiting and Exchange Students  from international universities. 

Study here as a Visiting or Exchange Student


Support for international students