Ruby - MSc (Taught) in History

Ruby graduated History MA(Hons) in 2020. She recently completed an MSc in History, also with the School. She enjoys roller derby and dancing to cheesy music.


What advice would you give to anyone thinking of studying at the University of Edinburgh?

Four years isn’t as long as you think! I was a bit unsure about the four-year undergraduate degree that Edinburgh was offering, as most of my school friends were applying for three-year programmes. However, as soon as I finished my first year, I was so relieved that I had three more years ahead of me.

What was your biggest worry about coming to University? 

I wish I hadn’t worried so much about making friends! Whether you’re starting as an undergraduate or a postgrad, there will always be other people who are just as keen as you to make friends. Student societies and sports teams are also a great way to meet people across different degrees and year groups.

What is your favourite thing about studying at the University of Edinburgh?

The University of Edinburgh has a number of incredibly diverse collections – encompassing everything from anatomical specimens, to rare books, to historical musical instruments. My favourite part of studying history at Edinburgh is when I get to use items from the collections in my research.

What one thing would you recommend new students at the University of Edinburgh things do?

It’s not the most exciting thing to do in Welcome Week, but I would definitely recommend attending one of the IT support sessions. Getting prepared for online learning before the semester begins will save you a lot of hassle later on.

Any student wisdom you'd like to pass on?

When I first arrived at Edinburgh, as an undergraduate, I was nervous to go see my tutors during their office hours. Luckily I soon realised that you’re never bothering your tutors – they actually like it when you get in touch and ask questions!