
Alia is a crystal collecting Sagittarius, in her first year of an MA in Classical Studies.

HCA Alia Walsh

What do you wish you'd worried about less about coming to university?

I wish I had worried less about meeting nice people and coping with the workload. Everyone is in the same position so are all really eager to meet people, and the university offers a lot of support and eases you into university work.

What one thing would you recommend new students at the University of Edinburgh do?

I would recommend joining at least one society at the beginning to make sure that you are meeting a range of people, but it also gives you something to do that is not in your room, and means that you have to take breaks from your work.

What's a 'must do' at the University of Edinburgh?

I would say that you have to go to the Christmas market, that opens in late November. It really brings the whole city together and is so vibrant.


What aspects of student life do you enjoy the most and why?

I really like being in an environment where everyone is passionate about their subjects and their studies, and everyone is driven to achieve as it encourages and inspires you with your studies.


Where is your favourite place to study?

I love to study in the law library as it is very quiet but not intimidating at all.