Second World War Network

The Second World War Network (Scotland), funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, formally launched in April 2021.

Second World War Netowrk logo

Dr Wendy Ugolini, School of History, Classics and Archaeology and Professor Tobias Kelly, School of Social & Political Science, were awarded a Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Arts & Humanities Research Network Award in 2019. That year, they hosted the 'New Directions in Second World War Studies' interdisciplinary workshop which brought together researchers in the field to discuss their work and to flag up themes which will be of importance during the 80th anniversary commemorations of the conflict (2019-2025). Following a suspension of activities due to covid-19, the Network formally launched in 2021. 

The RSE-funded Network aims to facilitate the discussion and exchange of ideas on the theme of the Second World War, with a particular focus on Scotland’s experience of the conflict. It also supports a platform from which higher education institutions, museums and cultural institutions can identify and develop potential new partnerships addressing the Second World War. 

Dr Ugolini and Professor Kelly work in partnership with Dr Calum Robertson, Curator of Modern and Military History at National Museums Scotland as well as other key partners such as the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the Scottish Poetry Library. 

For further information, please visit our blog.

SWWN blog


The Network has hosted a number of online events, including Second World War Conversations, Expert Round Tables and a PGR coffee morning. All details of past and future events can be found at the link below.

SWWN blog - events  

If you would like more information or to join the mailing list, please contact Wendy Ugolini at

Further information

(Images courtesy of the Imperial War Museum: Top row, China 1944: Chinese troops practising a march past at the Chinese Military Academy at Chengtu © IWM IB 2789C, Submarine Deport Ship HMS Forth © IWM TR 535, West Indian men arriving in Scotland © IWM A 6194; Middle row, ATS Training © IWM H 15534, Gunnery Officer Lieut Cdr T J MacFarlan, RN, spots for ex-internee passengers during a shooting contest on board the Indomitable © IWM A 30987; Bottom row:  Indian representative visits Indian contingent in Scotland © IWM H 23950)