
We offer a first-class experience in graduate education and research to students from all over the world.

We include specialists in the central areas of Greek and Latin literature and thought, Greek and Roman history, and Classical art and archaeology; but we have a broad view of the discipline, with expertise in areas such as ancient Persia, later antiquity, and reception history.

The team of international experts in Classics have a diverse array of backgrounds and are aware of the needs, potentials, and interests of today’s global graduate community.

Our students have a diverse array of cultural and educational backgrounds, and we can tailor a programme of study to individual needs. For those whose experience of one or both of Latin and Greek is limited, we have a full range of fast-moving courses in both languages.

View a full list of our postgraduate programmes 

A lively intellectual community

The hub of intellectual life is the weekly Classics Research Seminar, which welcomes a remarkable range of speakers. The graduate community is intellectually active, supportive, and convivial: graduates organise their own seminar series and conferences. Besides this, Edinburgh has earned its reputation as a cultural and academic capital!

The Graduate School

Hear from our students

Watch our video to find out why our students love studying Classics here at Edinburgh.

Classics video 2014 transcript (232.71 KB / PDF)