Chris - MSc (Taught) in History (Online)

Chris is an MSc in History (Online) student who was attracted to the prestige of the university and the flexibility of the course programme.

Chris Slocombe MSc History

Why did you choose the University of Edinburgh?

I chose the University of Edinburgh for two reasons. Firstly, it’s one of the top universities in the world, particularly for the Humanities. Secondly, one of my favourite 19th century Americanists, David Silkenat, is part of the faculty in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

What attracted you to this programme?

Flexibility of study, rigour of coursework, broad course offerings, and the friendliness of the faculty and staff. There is a vibrancy to this programme that simply didn’t exist at the other universities I considered.

Why did you decide to study online?

I work full time and, with two children, needed a programme that allowed me to balance my history work with my other commitments.

What have you enjoyed most about your time here?

I’ve most enjoyed feeling myself grow as a historian, both as a thinker and a writer. I appreciate the wonderfully constructive feedback I’ve received – the work is challenging but I’ve enjoyed being pushed to grow!

How has your student experience prepared you for your career?

I plan to pursue a PhD in History, and I am better prepared for the rigours of that because of this programme. As important has been the encouragement I’ve received to continue developing as a scholar; the faculty here really root for you!

If you could offer any advice to new or current students what would it be?

Engage fully in the discussion forums – the variety of points and perspectives creates rich discussions. Secondly, if you are an American like me, familiarise yourself with the British grading scale, as it is different from those in the US!

One of my favourite 19th century Americanists, David Silkenat, is part of the faculty in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

Chris Slocombe
Graduates 2020