Core courses
You will take a compulsory course, which will provide a general introduction to graduate study in classics and give you the opportunity to develop your research skills.
Course name | Credits |
Skills and Methods in Classics | 20 |
Optional courses
You will choose a further 100 credits from a wide selection of optional courses, subject to availability.
Please note: at least three of your option courses must be on archaeological topics.
Option Courses 2024-2025
* * Please note that the list of courses below is provisional and subject to change.
# You must choose three Classical Art and Archaeology courses
^ A maximum of one Level 10 course can be chosen. Priority for Level 10 courses goes to undergraduate students.
* A maximum of one online course can be chosen.
Select exactly 60 credits of the following Classical Art and Archaeology courses
- Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: The Basics and Beyond
- Archaeological Illustration
- Archaeology of 'Celtic' Europe: Communities and Interactions
- Archaeology of Late Antique Religion
- Bronze Age Civilisations of the Near East and Greece
- Classical Greek Sculpture
- Conflict archaeology: materialities of violence
- Elementary Greek (PG) 1
- Elementary Latin (PG) 1
- Handling Greek Pottery
- Human Evolution
- Intermediate Greek (PG) 1
- Intermediate Latin (PG) 1
- Issues in Egyptian Archaeology: the Second Intermediate Period until the end of the Late Period (1650-332 BC)
- Marine Archaeology
- Space, Place and Time: the archaeology of built environments
- The Archaeology of Children and Childhood
- The Hittites: The Archaeology of an Ancient Near Eastern Civilisation
- The Maccabaean Revolt
- Themes in Egyptian archaeology: the foundations of the state to the end of the Middle Kingdom
Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following Classics courses
- A Topic in Late Antique and Byzantine History 1
- A Topic in Late Antique and Byzantine History 2
- Apocalypse: The Book of Revelation in History and Culture (PG)
- Archaeological Illustration
- Archaeology of Late Antique Religion
- Bronze Age Civilisations of the Near East and Greece
- Classical Greek Sculpture
- Conflict archaeology: materialities of violence
- Dispute Resolution in the Roman Empire
- Egypt under the Ptolemies
- Elementary Greek (PG) 1
- Elementary Greek (PG) 2
- Elementary Latin (PG) 1
- Elementary Latin (PG) 2
- Greek Philosophy (Plato's Republic)
- Greek Text Seminar 2
- Handling Greek Pottery
- Honour in Ancient Greece
- Human Evolution
- Intermediate Greek (PG) 1
- Intermediate Greek (PG) 2
- Intermediate Latin (PG) 1
- Intermediate Latin (PG) 2
- Issues in Egyptian Archaeology: the Second Intermediate Period until the end of the Late Period (1650-332 BC)
- Latin Text Seminar 2
- Space, Place and Time: the archaeology of built environments
- The Archaeology of Children and Childhood
- The Hittites: The Archaeology of an Ancient Near Eastern Civilisation
- The Latin Manuscript: Palaeography, Codicology, Textual Criticism
- The Maccabaean Revolt
Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following Level 10 Classics Language courses
- Early Greek Philosophy
- Greek Literature of the Roman Empire
- Greek Tragedy
- Later Latin Poetry
- Latin Poets From North of the Po
- Lucretius, 'De rerum natura'
- Lyric
- Seneca the Younger
- The Latin Manuscript: Palaeography, Codicology, Textual Criticism
Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following online courses
- Honour in Ancient Greece (Online)
- Roman Egypt (Online)
- Sparta and Crete: Classical Greek Society Beyond Athens (Online)
Select exactly 60 credits of the following Classical Art and Archaeology courses
- Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: The Basics and Beyond
- Archaeological Illustration
- Archaeology of 'Celtic' Europe: Communities and Interactions
- Bronze Age Civilisations of the Near East and Greece
- Conflict archaeology: materialities of violence
- Early and Archaic Greek Art and Archaeology
- Elementary Greek (PG) 1
- Elementary Latin (PG) 1
- GIS and Spatial Analysis for Archaeologists
- Greek Text Seminar 1
- Intermediate Greek (PG) 1
- Intermediate Latin (PG) 1
- Island Worlds: Prehistoric Societies in the Mediterranean Sea from the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age
- Issues in Egyptian Archaeology: the Second Intermediate Period until the end of the Late Period (1650-332 BC)
- Judaea under Roman Rule
- Latin Text Seminar 1
- Mariners, Monks and Mobility: the archaeology of the early medieval Atlantic Archipelago
- Piecing Together the Cultural Fragments of Ionia (Archaic Period)
- Themes in Egyptian archaeology: the foundations of the state to the end of the Middle Kingdom
Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following Classics courses
- A Topic in Late Antique and Byzantine History 1
- A Topic in Late Antique and Byzantine History 2
- Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: The Basics and Beyond
- Archaeological Illustration
- Bronze Age Civilisations of the Near East and Greece
- Conflict archaeology: materialities of violence
- Early and Archaic Greek Art and Archaeology
- Elementary Greek (PG) 1
- Elementary Greek (PG) 2
- Elementary Latin (PG) 1
- Elementary Latin (PG) 2
- Epicurus and Epicureanism
- Exploring the Past with Data Science
- GIS and Spatial Analysis for Archaeologists
- Greek Palaeography
- Greek Text Seminar 1
- Intermediate Greek (PG) 1
- Intermediate Greek (PG) 2
- Intermediate Latin (PG) 1
- Intermediate Latin (PG) 2
- Island Worlds: Prehistoric Societies in the Mediterranean Sea from the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age
- Issues in Egyptian Archaeology: the Second Intermediate Period until the end of the Late Period (1650-332 BC)
- Judaea under Roman Rule
- Latin Text Seminar 1
- Law in the Roman Provinces
- Piecing Together the Cultural Fragments of Ionia (Archaic Period)
- Scottish Latin Literature
- Sparta and Crete: Classical Greek Society Beyond Athens
- The Hellenistic City
Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following Level 10 Classics Language courses
- Greek Palaeography
- Herodotus
- Hesiod
- Late Latin: Autobiographical Narratives from the 4th and 5th Centuries AD
- Latin Epic
Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following online courses
- Athenian democracy and modern preoccupations (online)
- Custodians of Empire: The Praetorian Guard (Online)
- Seafaring and Society in the Ancient Greek World (Online)
- The Jewish Diaspora in the Roman Empire (Online)
- The Near East From Justinian to the Fall of the Umayyads (Online)
Teaching and assessment
Teaching takes place in small groups with most courses taught via weekly seminars. The majority of the 20-credit courses are assessed by single pieces of coursework, usually essays of up to 5000 words.
Further information
You can see more details about the 2024/25 programme structure on the Degree Programme Table for the MSc in Classical Art and Archaeology. We expect the 2025/26 programme structure to be available from May 2025.