Project description

The Edinburgh-Apolline Aeclanum excavations are supported by a wide range of bodies.

HCA Aeclanum

Edinburgh-Apolline Aeclanum excavations

The Aeclanum excavations are a collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and the Apolline Project and are directed by Dr Ben Russell and Dr Girolamo F. De Simone.

The Edinburgh-Apolline Aeclanum excavations are supported by the Comune di Mirabella Eclano and the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Salerno ed Avellino and also involve the Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, the Università degli Studi del Sannio at Benevento, and the British School at Rome. As well as specialists from Edinburgh, the project includes experts in a range of disciplines from the universities of Cambridge, Naples-Federico II, Naples-Suor Orsola Benincasa, Padua, Prague, Reading, Rome-La Sapienza, St Andrews, Sydney, Tokyo, UCL, and Western Ontario.

Aeclanum (map) lies beyond the shores of the Bay of Naples in inner Campania and more precisely in the district of Irpinia (ancient Hirpinia), which in antiquity constituted the southern part of Samnium. The city was probably founded in the 3rd c. BC, sacked by Sulla in 89 BC, turned into a colony under Hadrian in AD 120, and finally developed into an important Christian bishopric between the 4th and 7th centuries AD. Although the site is by no means small (at least 18 hectares), only a few buildings had been brought to light prior to our work at the site, notably part of a market (macellum), an early Christian church and the Roman baths, the walls of which are preserved up to several metres high in places. Rescue excavations in the 2000s on the edge of the site have uncovered large Roman and late antique cemeteries, workshops and public buildings, one containing a large imperial statue, probably of Marcus Aurelius, in white marble. All of these finds suggest a considerable level of wealth at the city during the Roman and early Medieval periods. Hirpinia was an important supply region for the coastal cities of Campania, providing timber and livestock, and a major concern of the project will be clarifying Aeclanum’s economic connections. The site also sits on the Via Appia, the most important road in Roman Italy, and is close the major river Calore. Unlike the coastal cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, Aeclanum was not destroyed in AD 79 by the eruption of Vesuvius but continued to thrive well beyond this. A significant earthquake hit the site, however, in AD 346 and then the Vesuvian eruption of AD 472, volcanic layers associated with which we have successfully identified in the archaeological record. The site of Aeclanum itself represents a perfect case study of a multi-method archaeological investigation since it is almost entirely untouched archaeologically and has never been built over. 


Public Archaeology at Aeclanum

Public Archaeology is a key aspect of our work at Aeclanum. In addition to regular open days, primarily for school children, we have produced information panels about the site and a comic book for a younger audience in collaboration with our resident illustrator and project manager, Zofia Guertin; the results of this work can be seen on the ArchaeoKids website. 

For a report on public engagement activities at Aeclanum see this blog post on the Institute of Classical Studies website