Sarah - MSc (Taught) in Archaeology

Sarah, MSc in Archaeology, is a lover of travel, mythology, museums, and pub trivia (who isn't!)

Sarah Melville
Sarah Melville

What attracted you to the University of Edinburgh and this programme, in particular?

I knew I wanted to study Archaeology, and everyone I spoke to about UoE had nothing but wonderful things to say. After researching the HCA faculty and programmes, I knew this was a perfect fit for what I wanted to pursue. 

Is there anything you wish you'd known or worried less about when preparing to start university?

This is specific to MSc taught students – but if you don’t know exactly what you want to focus on for your dissertation, that’s okay!  Many people already know, but you’re here to learn and expand your knowledge, don’t feel like you’re behind if you are still exploring your interests.

Do you have any advice for students in their first week?

Explore the city, and attend events.  The university has so much to offer, both social and academic – make sure to take advantage of what is available. 

What was it about the research environment at Edinburgh that stood out to you?

The resources available, from the library and online article access, to the phenomenal and diverse lecturers.  The abundance of seminar series available to students is incredible as well.

What is the best thing about doing your MSc at Edinburgh so far?

The support from students and staff alike has been great.  Also the diversity of backgrounds and interests is great to be a part of.

Do you have any plans after you graduate?

My goal is to become a museum curator.  This programme is helping me develop both the skills and connections that will help me to achieve this. 


I knew I wanted to study Archaeology, and everyone I spoke to about UoE had nothing but wonderful things to say. After researching the HCA faculty and programmes, I knew this was a perfect fit for what I wanted to pursue.  ​​​​​​​

MSc in Archaeology