PhD students working as tutors and demonstrators

Information for PhD students working as tutors and demonstrators or interested in applying for tutor and demonstrator roles in the University.

Details of how to apply for tutoring and demonstrating opportunities are available on the Teaching Support pages of the HCA website.

The Teaching Support pages also include information about contracts and payments, and a copy of the Part-Time Tutor Handbook.

There are a number of formal and informal training opportunities for Tutors and Demonstrators, at subject area level, school level and within the wider University. Doctoral candidates may wish to develop a teaching portfolio, recording the teaching they have undertaken and keeping reports of peer observations of teaching, to help them to reflect on and develop their teaching skills, and to assist with future job applications. 

The Institute for Academic Development provides a range of training options for part-time tutors, details of which are available on the IAD Website.

The IAD will also support tutors who wish to seek Higher Education Academy accreditation and the School of History, Classics and Archaeology runs an annual briefing session on this process.