Joseph - PhD in Classics

Joseph completed his undergraduate and Masters degree at Edinburgh before going on to study for a PhD in Classics.

What attracted you to the University of Edinburgh and this programme, in particular?

I have studied all of my degrees in Edinburgh (MA, MSc, and now PhD). I believe I was initially drawn to Edinburgh as an undergraduate because of the department's reputation as it regards Late Antiquity. I have chosen to continue with Edinburgh as I can see myself no place else!

What do you wish you'd known or worried less about when preparing to start your current studies?

I think university has a lot of worries that come with it. Most as I look back were reasonable: grades, finding a place to live, earning money, and so on. All deserve one's attention and worry. I would say to someone of my past position to simply do your best and do not be easily distracted from the goals that had motivated you to come here.

What’s your top tip for new students to do in in their first few weeks?

I would recommend enjoying the city and location. I think familiarising oneself with the environment, finding confidence in yourself in that you know where you are and where things are generally, is helpful. Especially bus routes: I would recommend all new students to take several buses and see the routes.

What secret makes your life as a student easier?

The secret to making your life as a student easier is realising in your heart that you have the ability to be where you need to be, and that you need not, when compelled by deadlines and work, overburden yourself with constant torment. Trust yourself and remember you can do it! That makes life easier for me.

What was it about the research environment at Edinburgh that stood out to you?

Having been at Edinburgh for now my sixth year, I should say that I have enormous respect for the faculty members of the Classics department. The talent and ability of those teaching here is what stands out to me. Moreover, the like-mindedness as it regards research: I know that each member of the department means to see the university flourish and is striving to that end.

What plans do you have after you graduate?

I would like to work in academia, but we all do not know what the future will hold for us. As I am yet to begin the programme properly, I am not yet sure how the programme will equip me for my future career. I can only say that I mean to take hold of the department's opportunities and put myself into productive circumstances.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of studying at the University of Edinburgh?

I would advise them to love their topic and be resolute in their objectives, whatever they may be.