Classics appointments

The School is delighted to announce three appointments to roles within the Classics subject area.


Dr Elaine Sanderson, currently at University of Liverpool, will be joining us as a 1-year Teaching Fellow. She will be teaching Latin at Pre-Honours level and two Honours courses one of which is Neronian and Flavian Verse and the other (Classical Literature in Translation) is on Civil War and the Roman Imagination.

Dr Chiara Blanco, currently at Trinity College Oxford, will be joining us as our 3-year Teaching Fellow. This coming year, 2021-22, she will be teaching Pre-Honours Latin and Greek, Honours courses on Tragedy (in translation) and a new course: 'Body and Medicine in Roman Culture'. 

And Dr Jason Porter, currently at University College Dublin will be joining us as a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow. His area of research is Greek slavery.

The School extends a very warm welcome to Elaine, Chiara and Jason.