Student support and advice

As a student at the School, you will have access to an extensive support network.

Support from your school

Your first point of contact for teaching, academic advice and guidance will be within the programme or course you are studying. A range of trained staff will work with you to help make the most of your studies while you progress through your university career.

You will be supported by a combination of academic and dedicated student experience and administrative staff who will be able to direct you to appropriate support for challenges which may occur during your studies, whether this is directly related to your learning and teaching skills or rising from life situations. You will also have access to a variety of peer-to-peer learning networks as well as student societies. 

Support from your students' association

The Edinburgh University Students’ Association facilitates student-led learning and support schemes across the University to help you settle into your studies. The Students’ Association also provides professional, independent and confidential advisory assistance to students on a range of matters, including academic issues, through the Advice Place.

More about peer learning and support from the students' association

Support provided by the Advice Place

The Student Support and Experience Team is your first point of contact within the School for advice and support.

Building community and support across the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.