
Hailing from Colorado Ethan graduated in MA (Hons) Latin Studies and went on to study for a MSc in Classics.

HCA Ethan

What do you wish you'd worried about less about coming to Edinburgh?

Traveling overseas, a great distance from home can be a daunting task. I worried about fitting in and finding friends, but there are so many avenues for this here at Edinburgh that I really didn't need to stress about it that much.

Where's your favourite place to study?

The Chaplaincy. It tends to be quite, and there is tea and coffee available by donation (be sure to actually donate, though, lets not be jerks about this).

What MUST students do when they come to Edinburgh?

Climb Arthur’s Seat or the Crags at sunset. The whole city lights up and its amazing.

What advice would you give to new students?

Form good studying habits early, especially if you’re doing an ancient language. The professor will tell you first day to put in minimum two or three hours a night in vocal and grammar, and they aren't kidding around!