The History and Games Lab

The History and Games Lab explores games as a medium for historical research, teaching and public understanding of history, including fostering practical collaborations between historians, game designers, and other practitioners who engage with games.


Time and location

Events take place online and, sometimes in person, so please check location and timing below. Please register for free on Eventbrite to reserve places and receive access codes. All welcome!

The group runs a series of formal and informal events that span from regular seminars to podcasts, workshops, playtests, game jams, and participation at gaming events. You can find out more about its activities on its website,


Date Speaker Topic Note
Fri 22 Sep Laura Cardinale (Il Salotto di Giano) Jeanne Besnard (Sorbonne Universite) William Huber (Falmouth University)

Gaming and Cultural Heritage: a Roundtable Laura Cardinale: Enhancing Cultural Heritage Through Role-Playng Games Jeanne Besnard Le Monde de Clovis (2022-2023). Gamifying Early Medieval History at the Musee Archaeologie Nationale de France William Huber: The Case of the Battle of Bannockburn Experience in Scotland

5.30pm, The roundtable is bilingual (Italian/English), takes place in the Italian municipality of Gradara, but will be streamed on youtube at this here
Tue 3 Oct Monthly games night/jam

Play one of the games from our library (which includes board games, role- playing games, and wargames with historical themes), bring your own, or propose, discuss or playtest your game design projects. You can also propose a game for the next games night/jam.

The event is free, but please register as space is limited


Wed 18 Oct Maxime Durant (Ubisoft)


The seminar takes place on Zoom.
Tue 31 Oct Monthly games night/jam Play one of the games from our library (which includes board games, role- playing games, and wargames with historical themes), bring your own, or propose, discuss or playtest your game design projects. You can also propose a game for the next games night/jam.

The event is free, but please register as space is limited


Tue 7 Nov

Mike Mason (Chaosium) and James Holloway (author)

Designing Role-Playing Games with Mike Mason, Creative Director of The Call of Cthulhu RPG

The seminar takes place at the National Library of Scotland, 5.30pm. The event is free but ticketed via Eventbrite 


Mon 13 May Games Evening (Online) 'The Atlas Menace - a Scenario for the Lex Arcana Role-Playing Game'

 6 - 9pm, free but ticketed.

Register (Eventbrite)

Further information

Find out more about the History and Games Lab.

History & Games Lab website  Instagram Twitter  YouTube  Facebook


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