Edinburgh Award winners

School of History, Classics and Archaeology students who had won an Edinburgh Award were honoured recently. (Published 18 May)

HCA Edinburgh Award

The School was delighted to be notified that nearly forty students in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, had achieved the Edinburgh Award in recognition of their extra-curricular efforts in one of a number of areas. The Edinburgh Award is a programme that students can undertake alongside a particular activity. It aims to recognise student involvement in these activities and enhance these experiences.

These awards represent a commendable achievement on top of a busy programme of study. Congratulations to all on their success!

Edinburgh Award winners

  • Harriet Acland - Work Experience
  • Niamh Anderson - Media
  • Kirsty  Ballard - Work Experience
  • Hayley Boulton - Volunteering
  • Laura   Bowker- Media & Global Citizenship: on-campus
  • Claudia Breakwell - EUSA Student Staff
  • Giles Broughton- Sports Union Club Management
  • Arran Byers- EUSA: Office Bearers
  • Chloe Campbell- Work Experience
  • Amerlia Conway- Peer Learning and Support Volunteers: HCA Peer Support
  • Gavin Dewar- Work Experience
  • Seth Dowley- EUSA: Office Bearers
  • Marco Francis- Employ.ed On Campus
  • Carmen Hesketh- Work Experience
  • Lucy Hughes- Work Experience
  • Ruby Hunter Skelton- Work Experience
  • Anya Jarmon- Work Experience & Global Citizenship: on-campus
  • Kayleigh Kilty- EUSA: Office Bearers
  • Jessica Leeper- Employ.ed On Campus
  • Catherine Lowe- Resident Assistants
  • Rosanna Marshall- EUSA: Representing Students
  • Katie McCutcheon- Work Experience
  • Ruth Miller- Employ.ed On Campus
  • Rosie Moore- Work Experience
  • Connie Morgan- EUSA: Office Bearers
  • Cailean Osborne- Digital Ambassadors
  • Anna Parker-Moore- Employ.ed On Campus
  • Maria Petraki- Global Citizenship: on-campus
  • Maddy Pribanova- Work Experience
  • Amber Roche Whitechurch- Media
  • Brittany Serafin- EUSA: Office Bearers & Summer Work Experience: International
  • Ailsa Speirs- EUSA: Office Bearers
  • Lydia Stoddart- Summer Work Experience: International
  • Michaela Stone- Employ.ed On Campus
  • Catherine Watson- Summer Work Experience: International
  • Georgia Williamson- Work Experience & EUSA: Office Bearers
  • Matthew Willis- EUSA: Office Bearers
  • Thomas Wrench- EUSA: Office Bearers

More on the Edinburgh Awards