Douglas Cairns wins Anneliese Maier Research Award

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology was delighted to hear that Professor Douglas Cairns has won an Anneliese Maier Research Award. (Published 5 February, 2018)

Professor Douglas Cairns


HCA Humboldt Foundation

Professor Douglas Cairns, Professor of Classics, has been named as one of eight recipients of a Humboldt Foundation Anneliese Maier Research Award.  

Presented to world-class researchers from abroad from the fields of the humanities and social sciences, whose academic achievements have been internationally recognised in their research area, the award winners independently choose the people with whom they would like to collaborate in Germany on a research projects of up to five years and receive a research award of €250,000. Professor Cairns will be cooperating with Technische Universität Dresden on the 'traces of the emotions', focussing on the linguistic handling of emotions in ancient texts and not only on semantic analysis.

Professor Cairns said, ‘Having benefited enormously from the Humboldt Foundation’s support in the past, I am delighted and honoured to have received this award. This will provide a fantastic opportunity for collaboration with colleagues in Dresden, both in their DFG project on invective and my own Edinburgh ERC project on honour, and will allow German PhD students and post-docs to pursue projects in emotion history both at home and in Edinburgh.’


Professor Douglas Cairns' staff profile

Humboldt Foundation Anneliese Maier Research Award

Technische Universität Dresden Announcement