Building (Ancient) Lives document launched

A best practice document for Aberdeenshire roundhouses is launched as part of the Building (Ancient) Lives project.

Dr Tanja Romankiewicz, together with Bruce Mann of Aberdeenshire Council’s Archaeology Service, has developed a best practice for excavating and analysing Aberdeenshire roundhouses. The document aims to inform Local Authorities, contractors and community groups to maximise data for local Historic Environment Records and future research.

The roundhouses of Aberdeenshire have been one cornerstone of the Building (Ancient) Lives project at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology. As a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow Dr Romankiewicz studies prehistoric and early medieval buildings to inspire modern sustainable architecture.

The dynamic document was officially launched on Tuesday 10 January, 2017, at the First Millennia Studies Group meeting at the School, and is available on the Building (Ancient) Lives project website.

More information about the project can be found at the Building (Ancient) Lives project website, and you can follow Dr Romankiewicz on Twitter, @BldAncientLives.