
Through our research, we engage with a wide variety of audiences for greater social and cultural benefit. Find out how we connect our study of the past with present-day concerns and debates.

Preserving and conserving historic artefacts and sites, as well as increasing public knowledge and understanding of them, is an important part of our remit. We work closely with curators and museum staff on exhibitions, catalogues and research related to collections.

We have been involved in developing high quality teaching materials that are used in Scottish schools and classrooms as well as internationally. Our research feeds directly into the curriculum and we have also led training sessions for teachers.

We have worked with broadcasters and filmmakers to entertain, interest and inform viewers and listeners. In some cases the books we have written have reached large global audiences, generating discussion, review and wide impact.

Our research has made a major contribution to public debate concerning the past and its legacy in Scotland, the UK and beyond.

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