Peer Support need you!

Making the change from school pupil to university student can be daunting. Peer Support is seeking volunteers to help History and Classics students for 2019/2020.

HCA Peer Support

Once the buzz of Welcome Week wears off many new students can find the experience of being a university student overwhelming with new expectations and the challenges of independent living. Peer Support is a programme which enables students to help those in younger years with this transition, whatever their goal – whether it’s to contribute more in class, acquire new learning skills or handle exam stress.

 ‘I’ve found the experience of being a Peer Support Volunteer very rewarding, said Matthew Willis (Secretary of History and Classics Peer Support), ‘And it’s been surprising how many graduate employers have specifically mentioned schemes like Peer Support as experiences they would like to hear candidates talking about when discussing their leadership qualities.’

 Full training and regular debriefs are provided for the volunteers who can expect to gain well-developed organisational skills, leadership abilities as well as adaptability and strong inter-personal skills from the role.

 History and Classics Peer Support is running an information session for anyone interested in becoming a mentor on Friday 26 April 2019 from 11:00-12:00 in room 2.27, William Robertson Wing.


Peer Support information session on Facebook