Student societies to benefit by £1,000 if NSS target hit

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is making up to an additional £1,000 available for its student societies, in order to encourage final year undergraduates to participate in the National Student Survey (NSS).

As long as a minimum 70% of 4th years take part, beating last year’s total by 2%, the fund will be guaranteed at £700. It will increase by an extra £100 for every further 10% increase in the response rate.

The History, Classics and Archaeology Societies and student journal Retrospect could all benefit from the fund, in an initiative designed to make sure that the views and experiences all students - Archaeologists, Classicists and Historians - are all properly represented in the results.

The National Student Survey is a UK-wide, confidential survey conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the higher education sector. It is open to final year undergraduates now, until 30 April.

Why take part?

Head of School, Professor Alvin Jackson, explains:

“The School has performed well in past National Student Surveys and reacted positively to bring about improvements when the survey has highlighted a need.

“However, we would like to exceed last year’s participation levels of 68% because the more students who take part, the fairer, more accurate and more detailed the feedback and the rating we receive in each subject area.”

Legacy of School improvements

Recent improvements undertaken by the School as a result of student feedback include the introduction of more scholarships, better access to Main Library resources, extra computers, a better printer, recruiting more support staff and taking steps to address problems in essay submission and return.

Professor Jackson says:

“I know that this is a very busy time for final year students. You are working hard to complete your coursework and meet your final essay and dissertation deadlines. It’s important for your future.

“At the same time, sharing your views is important to the future of your School, your University and the students who will follow in your footsteps.

“So please don’t think, ‘I won’t bother with the survey, it won’t matter.’ It does matter, because everyone’s experience is different.

“Whatever you think about your past four years here, please tell us through the survey.”

The National Student Survey takes 10 minutes to complete. A dedicated computer booth has been set up in Reception, exclusively for this purpose.

Share your views and experience