British Academy grant success for archaeology projects

Manuel Fernández-Götz and Joanne Rowland and have been awarded two British Academy/Leverhulme grants for projects in Scotland and Egypt respectively.  

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The school was delighted to learn that two archaeology colleagues had been awarded British Academy/Leverhulme grants for projects.

Manuel Fernández-Götz‘s project 'On the Edge of Empire' will explore Iron Age settlement landscapes in southwest Scotland, particularly around the famous hillfort of Burnswark. While the spectacular Roman military evidence at Burnswark has received considerable attention in past years, the poorly understood wider settlement landscape compromises understanding of the indigenous populations. This shortcoming will be addressed through this new project, which will carry out a comprehensive landscape analysis combining the systematic study of newly acquired high-resolution LiDAR data with a revision of previous information and a programme of multi-scalar surveys. The research will be undertaken in collaboration with Historic Environment Scotland and the German Archaeological Institute. It is expected that the outcomes will contribute to the wider understanding of indigenous settlement patterns on the edge of the Roman Empire. 

In addition, Manuel Fernández-Götz’s forthcoming volume “Rethinking Mobility in Late Prehistoric Europe” has been accepted for publication in the prestigious Proceedings of the British Academy.  

Jo Rowland’s project 'Social diversity and human-animal relationships in late 1st millennium Egypt' will look at care, upkeep, access and cultic practice in the falcon hypogeum of Djedhor of Athribis at Quesna. Faunal remains from previous excavations indicate that most falcons at Quesna are indigenous to Egypt. However, each area of the animal necropolis has a range of falcon and other species, all varying in their treatment at death. Differing textual evidence on seal impressions in areas of the hypogeum suggests their use at different times, and text may mirror cult administrative changes. The varied treatment of species, and presence/absence of containers, may provide an insight into social inclusiveness and access to this cult amongst the wider community. 

The School sends its warmest congratulations to Jo and Manuel.


Dr Jo Rowland's staff profile

Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz