Academic staff promotions

The School is delighted to announce a number of academic staff promotions.

HCA Staff promotions 2020
From top left: Dr Robin Bendrey; Dr Talat Ahmed; Dr Stefan Malinowski; Dr Justin Stover; Dr Aaron Pelttari; Dr Felicity Green; Dr Donncha O’Rourke; Dr Kimberley , Dr Joanne Rowland

The following colleagues have been successful in the applications for senior lectureships:

Dr Talat Ahmed (History)

Dr Robin Bendrey (Archaeology)

Dr Kimberley Czajkowski (Classics)

Dr Felicity Green (History)

Dr Stephan Malinowski (History)

Dr Donncha O’Rourke (Classics)

Dr Aaron Pelttari (Classics)

Dr Joanne Rowland (Archaeology)

Dr Justin Stover (Classics)

The school sends its warmest congratulations to them.