School hosts Cambridge-Edinburgh Joint Graduate Workshop in Irish History

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology was delighted to host the 4th Cambridge-Edinburgh Joint Graduate Workshop in Irish History on 17th and 18th January.

HCA Cambridge-Edinburgh Joint GRad Workshop Irish History
Dr Mark Hanniffy (far left) with participants of the Workshop at the Irish Consulate.

Over twenty students and faculty from both Cambridge and Edinburgh universities attended the Joint Graduate Workshop, which was characterised by high quality research and stimulating discussions. Doctoral researchers from both universities gave fascinating and highly original papers on a range of subjects from loyalist political ideology to the global humanitarian effort to provide relief during the Great Irish Famine, 1845-1852.

Professor Enda Delaney, Professor of Modern History and School Director of Research within the School praised the quality and range of the papers presented by PhD students from both institutions, ‘It was very impressive indeed, and a testament to the benefits of this unique collaborative network between Edinburgh and Cambridge'.

The Irish Consulate in Edinburgh hosted a reception to mark the event at which the Consul General for Ireland, Dr Mark Hanniffy, spoke about the importance of the advanced study in Irish history that is being undertaken at the two universities.

This workshop is part of a broader collaboration between Cambridge and Edinburgh in the field of Irish history.


 Irish HIstory Research Group within the School of History, Classics and Archaeology