Doctoral students launch ambitious collaborative project

Doctoral students in the School have launched an ambitious cross-university collaborative project in the field of Scottisy history. (Published 29 February 2016)


PhD students Laura Harrison, Fraser Raeburn and Scott Reid, in collaboration with colleagues affiliated with the University of St Andrews, Dundee and Stirling, have recently launched the Scottish History Network.

The ambitious new project is designed to promote knowledge exchange, debate and connections in the field of Scottish history.

Find out more about the Scottish History Network

Workshop: The state of the field

The newly formed network will hold a workshop at the University of Edinburgh in April, aimed at postgraduate students and early career scholars. Researchers are invited to locate their work within Scottish history as a whole and suggest ways in which connections within the field might be strengthened.

The Scottish History Network will host this one-day workshop on Wednesday 27 April 2016 to share and discuss current research in the field of Scottish.