Doctoral opportunity: The Burn retreat

Take part in a series of informal workshops aimed at providing practical solutions to PhD challenges at The Burn.

As part of the school of History, Classics and Archaeology's ongoing commitment to the development of its postgraduate community, the School is offering doctoral students the chance to participate in a three-day retreat at The Burn, a beautiful late-eighteenth-century country house near Edzell.

The Burn
The Burn

The retreat will consist of a series of informal workshops aimed at providing practical solutions to PhD challenges, and with a view to life beyond the viva. With plenty of free time available, the retreat will above all be a chance to relax for a few days, in pleasant surroundings and in the company of like-minded academics. You can find out more about what happens, and the benefits, of the retreat in Sarah Cassidy's blog at Pubs & Publications.

As in previous years, this trip is being generously subsidised by the School, leaving a cost to students of only £49 per person, covering two nights’ accommodation (shared twin room), meals and return transport from Edinburgh. The return journey will also afford the opportunity to visit Arbroath Abbey and Falkland Palace at no extra cost. The retreat fee will be non-refundable and payable in advance via the Epay system.

To register, please email Manuel Fernández-Götz ( by 20 January 2017, including details of any special dietary or other needs. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis (although until the 20 January deadline, preference will be given to those who have not yet visited the Burn).