Brexit and you: what it means for your community

As the G20 summit brings Brexit back to the headlines, Edinburgh University plans more ‘Brexit and You’ public events, the first of which took place in Leith at the end of August. (Published 9th Sept, 2016)

Old map of Scotland

Intended to foster informed discussion on the meaning of the UK’s referendum to leave the European Union, whilst being strictly non-partisan, the events will focus on the meaning of leaving for local communities. This first opportunity to meet and speak with experts in the fields of immigration, European history and citizenship about some of the issues that Brexit raises attracted over eighty people to Ocean Terminal, and made for an animated exchange of ideas, the voicing of anxieties and the opportunity to explore the historical and legal contexts around Brexit.

One of the panel, Dr Emile Chabal (Chancellor's Fellow in History) said, ‘Brexit is a leap into the unknown. In this context, the most important thing members of the university can do is to provide historical and social background to what is going on today.’

‘The vote to leave the EU raises questions, issues and creative ideas that neighbours want to know about,’ said Dr Adam Budd, Lecturer in Cultural History and co-organiser of the event. ‘I was grateful to everyone who attended our first event. We will organise more of them, and hope that more and more people will tell us what they think!’

‘Brexit and You’ is supported by the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and the Beltane Network, and is organised by Professor Lesley McAra (Principal Community Relations) and Dr Adam Budd from the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Edinburgh University.

Further ‘Brexit and You’ events will be held in other Edinburgh communities across the autumn. For information on future dates follow HCAatEdinburgh on Twitter and Facebook.