Chancellor's Fellow awarded Leverhulme Prize in Classics

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology warmly congratulates Dr Mirko Canevaro, Chancellor’s Fellow in Classics, who is winner of a prestigious Philip Leverhulme Prize in Classics. (Published 27 October 2015)


Awarded annually by the Leverhulme Trust, Philip Leverhulme Prizes recognise the achievement of outstanding researchers whose work has already attracted international recognition and whose future career is exceptionally promising.

Dr Canevaro plans to work on two research projects which will now be supported by the prize.

Development of legislative practices in Athens

The first project will involve the completion of a monograph on the development of legislative practices in Athens, and the underlying ideologies that shaped them.

The monograph will also explore how the Athenians mediated the tension between the need for consistency and stability in their laws, and the issue of growing popular sovereignty. It will therefore contribute to modern debates on the dignity of legislatures against the need for expert judicial review, showing how the Athenians resolved these issues into a system that gave the people sovereignty, but also made sure that the demos would take into account different considerations in different institutional contexts.

Inequality and honour in ancient Athens

Secondly, he will work with colleagues in Edinburgh on a new project about inequality and honour in ancient Athens.

The project aims to understand how the Athenian polis, Athenian society, and Athens-based authors responded to inequalities of wealth and their corresponding inequalities of status in the way that they lived their lives, developed their political and cultural institutions, and thought about issues of justice, equality, and social cohesion.

We aim to break new ground in ancient Greek social, political, and intellectual history by bringing recent findings on the links between economic inequality and its psycho-social effects to bear on the society, culture, and economy of classical Athens.

Dr Mirko Canevaro
Chancellor's Fellow in Classics

Dr Canevaro's staff profile