Two new books published by School staff

Two new books have been published recently in the School. (Published 2 September 2012)

A Military History of Scotland

Book cover: A Military History of Scotland

This book has been published by Edinburgh University Press. Co-edited by the School’s Dr Jeremy Crang, along with Professor Edward Spiers (University of Leeds) and Professor Matthew Strickland (University of Glasgow), the volume explores the evolution of the Scottish military tradition over more than two millennia and incorporates contributions from some thirty scholars, including several historians from the School. Professor Tom Devine has described it as ‘a landmark volume which in its remarkable range, depth and ambition is sure to become the classic study in its field.’

The Cinema and Cinema-Going in Scotland, 1896 - 1950

Book cover: Cinema & Cinema Going in Scotland

Boasting a rich and varied cast of characters, from Bing Crosby and Old Mother Riley, to Mary Queen of Scots and Charlie Dunbar, the Clydebank Fat Boy, this book examines the impact of cinema from its origins to 1950, by which point Scots were among the most regular cinema-goers in the world. In tracing cinema’s development from side-show to mass entertainment medium, it explores the nature of popular film preferences along with the appeal of particular genres and stars. Moral debates provoked by moving picture shows are also considered, in particular issues of censorship and the question of Sunday opening, while cinema’s wider impact on Scottish civil society is traced through organisations concerned to promote appreciation of film as a cultural form. The varied and variable history of Scottish film production provides insights into ideas of the nation during a period of significant social, economic, and political change.