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Edinburgh Festival Brown Bag lecture series 12-19 August 2016


Join The University of Edinburgh’s School of History Classics & Archaeology at a free public History Brown Bag!

Our esteemed scholars will discuss an eclectic mix of interesting historical topics, for free, for all and in a relaxed setting designed to create debate and discussion and get you thinking!

If you have a passion for history, a thirst for knowledge, are perhaps a closet historian, or are simply looking for an interesting topic to discuss at the dinner table, these free historic presentations are for you!

History Brown Bag; Pirates, Chains, Crowns and Flags!

  • Friday 12th August: Dr David Silkenat presents, The Long Life of the Lost Cause: Why It Took 150 Years for the Confederate Flag to Come Down

  • Monday 15th August: Dr Sandra Bingham presents, Pirates, Plunder and Personalities: the Rediscovery of Ancient Carthage

  • Tuesday 16th August: Dr Andrea Major presents, An East Indian Slave Trade? Rethinking Indian Indentured Labour Migration

  • Wednesday 17th August: Dr Bill Aird presents, St Margaret of Scotland: 'The Men in St Margaret's Life'

  • Friday 19th August: Dr Alasdair Raffe, presents, James VII: a misunderstood king?

All at 13.30 and last an hour.

Presented in our Meadows lecture theatre, centrally located in the hub of the prestigious Edinburgh University our History brown bags are the perfect FREE option for an afternoon historical talk. We hope to see you there! 

Edinburgh fringe festival tickets - Venue 413

“The Edinburgh Fringe provides the perfect platform for the School to engage with the public, offering talks such as these which will both enthral, insight and enlighten in equal measure. Our talks are suitable for anyone who want to get a taste of the University, a nugget of information or simply sample a lecture. This year’s series is an eclectic bag, there is something for everyone and we are sure they will prove popular, working with the University of Leeds has provided the opportunity for Dr Andrea Major to present on her paper of the East Indian Slave Trade, which is destined to be engaging and thought provoking”.

Dr David Kaufman
Lecturer in History & Co-Programme Director, MSc in History (Online) & Director of the Centre for the Study of Modern Conflict

To register for the event please visit the Edinburgh Fringe website