Heritage in Practice: Evening Panel

Exploring the past’s translation into the present with a a panel discussion in collaboration with heritage organisations to reflect on heritage in practice, as well as the experiences at the Heritage in Practice: Day Trip (earlier in the day).

(Please note: there are two related events - see below for details. If you wish to attend the reception, you need to book onto it).

Date & time: 19th of Feb, 5.30-7
Audience: Open to all
Cost: Free
Booking information: Booking is now open! Please book through the link below.
Additional information:  
Accessibility: No restrictions
Location: Meadows Lecture Theatre, William Robertson Building

Book your place!

Related events

Heritage in Practice: Day trip

A day trip to Stirling Castle and the new visitor centre at Bannockburn.

Heritage in Practice: Evening reception

A reception to conclude the 'Heritage in Practice' events (day-trip and panel discussion).