3D Innovation in Digital Historiography - FULLY BOOKED

Learn about recreating historic communities and individual objects using easy to learn 3D software, which also lends itself to mapping overlays or gaming integration.

Please note: this event is split in two:

Session 1: 16th of Feb 13.00-15.00 Session 2: 17th of Feb 13.00-15.00

We can't provide a split booking form so please make sure you note both times in your diary. If you book onto this event, we assume you can make both parts.

Date & time: Monday 16th AND Tuesday 17th, 1.00-3.00
Audience: Open to all
Cost: Free
Booking information: Sorry, this event is fully booked.
Additional information:  
Accessibility: No restrictions
Location: Student Research Room, 2M.25, William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School

Book your place!